stand - определение. Что такое stand
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Что (кто) такое stand - определение

Stand (song); Stand (disambiguation); Stand (album)
Найдено результатов: 1087
¦ verb (past and past participle stood)
1. be in or rise to an upright position, supported by one's feet.
move somewhere in an upright position.
2. place or be situated in a particular position.
(especially of a vehicle) remain stationary.
(of food, liquid, etc.) rest without disturbance.
(of a ship) remain on a specified course.
3. be in a specified state or condition.
(of a building) remain upright and entire.
remain valid or unaltered.
be of a specified height.
4. adopt a particular attitude towards an issue.
5. be likely to do something: investors stood to lose heavily.
6. act in a specified capacity: he stood security for the government's borrowings.
7. withstand without being damaged.
[usu. with negative] tolerate or like.
8. Brit. be a candidate in an election.
9. provide (food or drink) for (someone) at one's expense.
10. umpire a cricket match.
11. (also stand at stud) (of a stallion) be available for breeding.
¦ noun
1. an attitude towards an issue.
a determined effort to hold one's ground or resist something.
Cricket a partnership.
2. a rack, base, or piece of furniture for holding or displaying something.
a small stall or booth from which goods are sold or promotional material displayed.
a raised platform for a band, orchestra, or speaker.
3. the place where someone usually stands or sits.
a place where vehicles wait for passengers.
(also witness stand) a witness box.
4. a large raised tiered structure for spectators.
5. a cessation from motion or progress.
6. a group of trees or other plants.
stand and deliver! a highwayman's order to hand over money and valuables.
stand on one's own (two) feet be or become self-reliant or independent.
stand trial be tried in a court of law.
stand up and be counted state publicly one's support for someone or something.
Phrasal verbs
stand alone be unequalled.
stand by
1. look on without intervening.
2. support or remain loyal to.
adhere to or abide by.
3. be ready to take action if required.
stand down
1. (also stand aside) resign from a position or office.
2. (stand down or stand someone down) relax or cause someone to relax after a state of readiness.
3. (of a witness) leave the witness box after giving evidence.
stand for
1. be an abbreviation of or symbol for.
2. [with negative] endure or tolerate.
stand in
1. deputize.
2. Nautical sail closer to the shore.
stand off move or keep away.
?Nautical sail further away from the shore.
stand on
1. be scrupulous in the observance of.
2. Nautical continue on the same course.
stand out
1. project.
be easily noticeable.
be clearly better.
2. persist in opposition to or support of something.
stand over (or stand something over) be postponed or postpone something.
stand to Military stand ready for an attack.
stand someone up informal fail to keep a date.
stand up for speak or act in support of.
stand up to
1. make a spirited defence against.
2. be resistant to the harmful effects of.
stander noun
OE standan (v.), stand (n.), of Gmc origin; related to stead.
The use of the past participle stood with the verb 'to be', as in we were stood in a line for hours, is not acceptable in standard English. The present participle standing should be used instead. See also usage at sit.
(stands, standing, stood)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet.
She was standing beside my bed staring down at me...
They told me to stand still and not to turn round...
Overcrowding is so bad that prisoners have to sleep in shifts, while others have to stand.
VERB: V prep, V adj, V
Stand up means the same as stand
We waited, standing up, for an hour.
When someone who is sitting stands, they change their position so that they are upright and on their feet.
Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.
Stand up means the same as stand
When I walked in, they all stood up and started clapping.
If you stand aside or stand back, you move a short distance sideways or backwards, so that you are standing in a different place.
I stood aside to let her pass me...
The policemen stood back. Could it be a bomb?
VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep
If something such as a building or a piece of furniture stands somewhere, it is in that position, and is upright. (WRITTEN)
The house stands alone on top of a small hill...
VERB: V prep/adv
You can say that a building is standing when it remains after other buildings around it have fallen down or been destroyed.
There are very few buildings left standing.
If you stand something somewhere, you put it there in an upright position.
Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.
= place
VERB: V n prep/adv
If you leave food or a mixture of something to stand, you leave it without disturbing it for some time.
The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.
If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.
He felt the need to make a stand against racism in South Africa...
They must take a stand and cast their votes...
N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N against/on n
If you ask someone where or how they stand on a particular issue, you are asking them what their attitude or view is.
The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment...
So far, the bishop hasn't said where he stands.
VERB: where V on n, where V
If you do not know where you stand with someone, you do not know exactly what their attitude to you is.
No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable...
VERB: where V with n
You can use stand instead of 'be' when you are describing the present state or condition of something or someone.
The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary...
The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights.
V-LINK: V adj, V
If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled.
Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands...
If something that can be measured stands at a particular level, it is at that level.
The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 per cent...
VERB: V at amount
You can describe how tall or high someone or something is by saying that they stand a particular height.
She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds...
She stood tall and aloof.
VERB: V amount adj, V adj
If something can stand a situation or a test, it is good enough or strong enough to experience it without being damaged, harmed, or shown to be inadequate.
These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass...
If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it.
I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away...
How does he stand the pain?
VERB: V n/-ing, V n/-ing
If you cannot stand someone or something, you dislike them very strongly. (INFORMAL)
He can't stand me smoking.
= bear
VERB: V n/-ing
If you stand to gain something, you are likely to gain it. If you stand to lose something, you are likely to lose it.
The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold...
VERB: V to-inf
If you stand in an election, you are a candidate in it. (BRIT; in AM, use run
He has not yet announced whether he will stand in the election...
VERB: V in n
A stand is a small shop or stall, outdoors or in a large public building.
She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.
= stall
N-COUNT: oft n N
see also newsstand
A stand at a sports ground is a large structure where people sit or stand to watch what is happening. (BRIT)
In American English, stands is used with same meaning.
The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.
A stand is an object or piece of furniture that is designed for supporting or holding a particular kind of thing.
The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.
A stand is an area where taxis or buses can wait to pick up passengers.
Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby.
N-COUNT: usu n N
In a law court, the stand is the place where a witness stands to answer questions.
When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony...
N-SING: the N
see also standing
If you say it stands to reason that something is true or likely to happen, you mean that it is obvious.
It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back...
PHRASE: V inflects, usu it PHR that
If you stand in the way of something or stand in a person's way, you prevent that thing from happening or prevent that person from doing something.
The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal...
PHRASE: V inflects
to stand a chance: see chance
to stand up and be counted: see count
to stand firm: see firm
to stand on your own two feet: see foot
to stand your ground: see ground
to stand someone in good stead: see stead
to stand trial: see trial
I. v. n.
Be upon the feet, rest on the feet.
Be erect, continue erect, remain upright.
Be placed, be situated, be located.
Remain, continue, abide, be fixed, endure, hold good, be permanent.
Stop, halt, pause.
Stay, be firm, be resolute, keep one's position, maintain one's ground, stand one's ground, be fixed, be steady.
Rank, have rank, hold a place.
Be (emphatically).
Be valid, have force, have validity.
Be a candidate.
(Naut.) Steer, hold a course.
Agree, consist, be reconciled, be compatible.
Rest, depend, have support.
II. v. a.
Endure, sustain, bear, weather, bear up against.
Resist (without flinching), oppose, withstand, stand against.
Abide, await, submit to, yield to, suffer, admit.
Put, place, set upright, fix.
III. n.
Place, post, station, standing-place, position.
Stop, halt, stay.
Platform, raised station.
Small table.
Resistance, opposition.
Rank, post, station, standing.
Interruption, cessation, stop, stand-still, obstruction.
Difficulty, perplexity, hesitation, embarrassment.
Stall, booth.
·noun To appear in court.
II. Stand ·vi Rank; post; station; standing.
III. Stand ·noun To measure when erect on the feet.
IV. Stand ·vi The act of Standing.
V. Stand ·vi A place where a witness stands to testify in court.
VI. Stand ·noun To offer one's self, or to be offered, as a candidate.
VII. Stand ·vt To be at the expense of; to pay for; as, to stand a treat.
VIII. Stand ·vt To abide by; to submit to; to Suffer.
IX. Stand ·noun To Stagnate; not to flow; to be motionless.
X. Stand ·vi A state of perplexity or embarrassment; as, to be at a stand what to do.
XI. Stand ·noun To maintain one's ground; to be acquitted; not to fail or yield; to be safe.
XII. Stand ·vt To resist, without yielding or receding; to Withstand.
XIII. Stand ·noun To hold a course at sea; as, to stand from the shore; to stand for the harbor.
XIV. Stand ·noun To be at rest in an erect position; to be fixed in an upright or firm position.
XV. Stand ·noun To be consistent; to Agree; to Accord.
XVI. Stand ·vi A station in a city or town where carriages or wagons stand for hire; as, a cab stand.
XVII. Stand ·add. ·vi To be, or signify that one is, willing to play with one's hand as dealt.
XVIII. Stand ·vi A weight of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds, - used in weighing pitch.
XIX. Stand ·vi The situation of a shop, store, hotel, ·etc.; as, a good, bad, or convenient stand for business.
XX. Stand ·vt To set upright; to cause to stand; as, to stand a book on the shelf; to stand a man on his feet.
XXI. Stand ·noun To adhere to fixed principles; to maintain moral rectitude; to keep from falling into error or vice.
XXII. Stand ·noun To be supported on the feet, in an erect or nearly erect position;
- opposed to lie, sit, kneel, ·etc.
XXIII. Stand ·vi A place or post where one stands; a place where one may stand while observing or waiting for something.
XXIV. Stand ·noun To occupy or hold a place; to have a situation; to be situated or located; as, Paris stands on the Seine.
XXV. Stand ·vi A halt or stop for the purpose of defense, resistance, or opposition; as, to come to, or to make, a stand.
XXVI. Stand ·noun To be or remain as it is; to continue in force; to have efficacy or validity; to Abide.
XXVII. Stand ·noun To continue upright in a certain locality, as a tree fixed by the roots, or a building resting on its foundation.
XXVIII. Stand ·noun To be in some particular state; to have essence or being; to Be; to Consist.
XXIX. Stand ·noun To maintain an invincible or permanent attitude; to be fixed, steady, or firm; to take a position in resistance or opposition.
XXX. Stand ·vi A raised platform or station where a race or other outdoor spectacle may be viewed; as, the judge's or the grand stand at a race course.
XXXI. Stand ·vt To Endure; to Sustain; to Bear; as, I can not stand the cold or the heat.
XXXII. Stand ·vi A small table; also, something on or in which anything may be laid, hung, or placed upright; as, a hat stand; an umbrella stand; a music stand.
XXXIII. Stand ·noun To have or maintain a position, order, or rank; to be in a particular relation; as, Christian charity, or love, stands first in the rank of gifts.
XXXIV. Stand ·noun To cease from progress; not to proceed; to Stop; to Pause; to Halt; to remain stationary.
XXXV. Stand ·vi A young tree, usually reserved when other trees are cut; also, a tree growing or standing upon its own root, in distinction from one produced from a scion set in a stock, either of the same or another kind of tree.
XXXVI. Stand ·noun To remain without ruin or injury; to hold good against tendencies to impair or injure; to be permanent; to Endure; to Last; hence, to find endurance, strength, or resources.
1) to make, put up a stand
2) a last stand
3) to take a stand
4) a firm, resolute, strong stand
5) a stand on (they took a resolute stand on the issue of tax reform)
rack, small table
6) a music stand
place taken by a witness
7) a witness stand (AE; BE has witness box)
small structure used for conducting business
(BE often prefers stall)
8) a fruit; hot-dog stand; newsstand; vegetable stand
performance, engagement
9) a one-night stand
10) a taxi stand (esp. AE; BE prefers taxi rank)
1) ('to hold oneself') to stand firm; still
2) (BE) (d; intr.) ('to be a candidate') to stand as (to stand as a Labour candidate)
3) (d; intr.) ('to hold oneself erect') to stand at (to stand at attention; to stand at ease)
4) (d; intr.) to stand by ('to support') (her family stood by her throughout the trial)
5) (d; intr.) to stand for ('to represent') (our party used to stand for progress)
6) (BE) (d; intr.) to stand for ('to be a candidate') (to stand for Parliament)
7) (d; intr.) to stand for ('to tolerate') (we will not stand for such conduct)
8) (d; intr.) to stand on ('to insist on') (to stand on one's rights; to stand on ceremony)
9) (d; intr.) to stand over ('to watch') (he always stands over me when I work)
10) (d; intr.) ('to be regarded') to stand with (how do you stand with your boss?)
11) (E) ('to face') ('to have as a prospect') we stood to gain a great deal
12) (esp. BE) (E; usu. with cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to tolerate') she couldn't stand to wait any longer
13) (G; usu. with cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to tolerate') she can't stand waiting
14) (K; usu. with cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to tolerate') I can't stand his boasting
15) (esp. BE) (O) ('to buy') can I stand you another round of drinks.
16) (s) she stood first in her class; to stand accused of murder
17) (misc.) to stand by one's guns ('to defend one's viewpoint stubbornly'); to stand on one's own feet ('to support oneself'); to stand tall (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to be resolute')
Forest stand         
  • Three forest stands
  • succession]].
Stand level modelling; Stand map; Forest stands
A forest stand is a contiguous community of trees sufficiently uniform in composition, structure, age, size, class, distribution, spatial arrangement, site quality, condition, or location to distinguish it from adjacent communities.
Stand (In the Light)         
Stand In the Light
Stand (In the Light) is the fifth and final album by singer-songwriter James Ingram. It was released on an independent label, Intering Records, fifteen years after his last record, "Always You".
Stand (Poison song)         
Stand (Poison single)
"Stand" is a song recorded by American band Poison, written by Richie Kotzen prior to joining the band. It was the first single from their 1993 album Native Tongue.
Stand, North Lanarkshire         
  • Stand from Blaeu's Map based on Pont's
Stand is a hamlet in North Lanarkshire, Scotland situated on the A73 near Airdrie. Its Ordnance Survey grid reference is NS7668.
Stand (Rascal Flatts song)         
"Stand" is a song written by Danny Orton and Blair Daly and recorded by American country music group Rascal Flatts. It was released in January 2007 as the fourth and final single from their album Me and My Gang.



Stand or The Stand may refer to:

  • To assume the upright position of standing
  • Forest stand, a group of trees
  • Area of seating in a stadium, such as bleachers
  • Stand (cricket), a relationship between two players
  • Stand (drill pipe), 2 or 3 joints of drill pipe connected together on a drilling rig
  • Bus stand, where public service vehicles are parked between journeys; or specific stops in a bus station
  • Tree stand, platform used in hunting
  • The Stand Comedy Club, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Stand, Greater Manchester, a residential area in England
  • STAND (organization) (originally Students Taking Action Now: Darfur), a student activist group under Aegis Trust
  • A food business:
    • Fruit stand
    • Hot dog stand
    • Lemonade stand
  • A support or holder, such as:
    • Standing frame, assistive technology supporting a person who could not otherwise stand erect
    • Kickstand of a bicycle or motorcycle
    • Christmas tree stand
    • Music stand
    • Cymbal stand
    • Retort stand, a laboratory equipment